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As a boy growing up in the spacious, tranquil and verdant eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Stan's everpresent and persistent fascination with books was fed by a constant supply of tomes at Christmas and birthdays from family and close friends.


Every volume evoked a unique educational adventure, each word stirring his voracious and insatiable imagination and augmenting his insouciant and dauntless spirit. Stories of dashing heroism and reckless exploits were his favourites - Robin Hood, King Arthur's Camelot and of course Dumas' The Three Musketeers. Perhaps one day his dream of penning his own tale of bold quests could become a reality.


Following postgraduate studies at Monash University (Clayton) in physics and engineering, came a vocation of senior management in the plastics and chemicals industry, and with it frequent and often intensive international travel. This wonderful time in his working life not only fed his thirst for new places and people, but the long hours in the air afforded ample opportunity to read. 


His interest deepened in the relatively little-known Thirty Years' War, a period of savage and bloodthirsty turbulence in Europe's history during the twilight years of the Renaissance - the first half of the 17th century. This was a time of romance, elegance, duelling and chivalry; the cavalier, the musketeer, the philosopher and the astrologer. The courts of Europe plotted; they bristled with intrigue and secret assignations, built palatial walled cities, gambled at cards and argued ruthlessly about religion.


This was the perfect confluence of ingredients for a novel - with a sequel in train and further plans for a third.


The author is married. His own adventures around the globe have taken him to countless cities, yet he feels most at home in Melbourne, the city of his birth. Here, he enjoys the occasional casual dinner with companionable company and a fine red. His flamboyant sense of humour keeps his sons and friends on their toes and he regards the Australian bush as Victoria's jewel in the crown.

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